The votes have been tallied and nine area vocalists and bands have been chosen to perform at the fifth- annual Yakima AppleJam Battle of the Bands where they will compete for more than $1,500 in cash and prizes along with a spot performing at this year’s Central Washington State Fair.
Bands include:
The Flat Rocks

Code 3


Mattlock and the Keys

Forget Me Not

Vocalists are:
Ally Fraser-Robinson

Amanda Simmons

Maya Amos

HipHop artist Coaster

This year’s special guest hosts will be Justin & Lindsey from 104.1 KXDD!
Musicians will be ranked by VIP judges according to ability, crowd enthusiasm, stage presence and more. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded before the fireworks celebration begins. The highest-ranked band will win $500 and the highest-ranked solo performance will win $500. An additional $500 will go to the artist with the best overall performance. Nearly 3,000 votes were cast on YakimaAppleJam.com for 18 area entrants. The live music competition starts at 4:00 p.m. and goes until the fireworks start. You can hear live rehearsals starting at 1:00.
Other activities at this year’s 4th of July Celebration include fair food, face painting, kids’ fun zone, a water slide, a beer garden, carnival rides, and the area’s largest fireworks display.
Yakima’s 4th Of July is a free event and is presented by Yakima Federal Savings and Loan and Sponsored by the County of Yakima, City of Yakima, and City of Union Gap. Special assistance is given by Ted Brown Music. This year’s 4th of July Celebration is scheduled from Noon to 11:00 p.m. Monday, July 4th, at State Fair
Park, 1301 South Fair Avenue, Yakima.